INTENT: Nurturing Continual Growth

What is Nurturing Continual Growth?

Developing a growth mindset supports continuous improvement throughout a teacher’s career.
​​Guiding candidates through the inquiry process as well as providing “just-in-time” support for daily needs fosters a habit of mind for continuous improvement. Reflective coaches regularly guide candidates through the use of the CSTPs, site/district initiatives, and classroom experiences to set and monitor professional growth goals. Goal attainment is assessed via candidate self-assessments, student data, and observations. The goal of the reflective coach is to support teacher learning and overall growth.

Learning Targets:

  • I encourage my candidate to be an active learner within the professional community and share the exploration of both the challenges and rewards of it.
  • I use the CSTP and Descriptions of Practice as a tools for promoting teacher growth.
  • I use observation, coaching, and feedback opportunities with my Candidate for the purposes of teacher reflection.

Reflective Questions

  • What are some of the things you’re noticing about your Candidate’s participating as a team member of your learning community?
  • When you think of opportunities to contribute as a coach to the shared work of improving practice, what comes to mind?
  • How do I encourage the teacher to see themselves as a learner capable of improving?
  • How do I help the teacher reflect on opportunities to try new approaches and allow for making mistakes?
    How do I help the teacher focus on the learning that is happening in the classroom and not only on the success or failure of student grades?
  • How do I frame feedback to promote a growth mindset?
    How do I help my Candidate use evidence of practice through observations, coaching, and student feedback to improve teaching?
  • How can I use the CSTP and Descriptions of Practice with my Candidate as a means to assess growth and set goals?
  • As you imagine your own coaching six weeks from now, in what areas would you like to have greater confidence and skill?
  • How do I connect my Candidate to professional learning opportunities related to their learning needs and goals?
  • In what ways do I encourage my Candidate to seek help when they do not know something?

Supporting Research