What is Equity?
Equity is the principle of altering current practices and perspectives to teach for social transformation and to promote equal learning outcomes for students of all racial, cultural, linguistic and socio-economic groups. -Enid Lee
How do I coach for Equity?
The resources below will help increase your awareness of equity.
Learning Targets:
- I encourage my candidate to learn of and demonstrate respect for all students’ cultures.
- I examine my own biases before coaching my candidate.
- I provide my candidate with instructional strategies that will engage all students.
- I empower my candidate to develop relationships with all students, including challenging ones.

- Description and definition of culture
- Ways to implement culturally responsive pedagogy
- How to implement these strategies in your candidate’s classroom
- What is working already?
- What simple changes could be made to improve this practice?
- An explanation of equity as it relates to education
- Ways to create equitable schools
- How can you help your candidate focus on outcomes?
- What steps will you and your candidate make to eliminate inequities in your classroom/school?
Reflective Questions
- How can I become aware of and respect my candidate’s cultural background?
- How can I encourage my candidate(s) to understand the interests and motivations of challenging students?
- How do I support my candidate(s) in recognizing the importance of including all students’ cultural references and student-centered texts in all aspects of learning?
- How do I encourage my candidate(s) to acknowledge each student’s individual culture?
- How can I encourage my candidate(s) to provide opportunities for interactive dialogue to engage all students?
- How do I encourage my candidate(s) to frequently interact with challenging students and provide specific and timely feedback?
- How do I encourage my candidate(s) to apply various instructional methods?
- How can I become aware of my own personal biases when coaching my candidate(s)?
- How do I encourage my candidate(s) to engage and develop connections that reflect individual value with their most challenging students?
Supporting Research
Cook-Ross (2008) Proven Strategies for Addressing Unconscious Bias in the Workplace https://www.cookross.com/docs/UnconsciousBias.pdf
McDermott, J. (2015). “3 Important Ways to Connect Teaching Practice to Student Learning,” University of Washington, Center for Educational Leadership. http://bit.ly/27wfuyB
Brookhart, S. (2012). Preventing Feedback Fizzle, Educational Leadership., September 2012 | Volume 70| Number 1 Feedback for LearningPages 24-29. http://imoberg.com/files/Preventing_Feedback_Fizzle.pdf