Riverside County Office of Education
Administrator Resources – Induction

Site Administrator

The role of site administrators is vital to the success of new teachers. Here you will find resources that explain the importance of induction for new teacher growth, but also how you can help support beginning teachers on their journey.

Role of Site Administrator in Teacher Induction

CTI New Teacher Induction Materials

Beginning teachers participating in CTI Induction will utilize these documents throughout their induction journey. Familiarity with these documents will support collaborative goal-setting and candidate growth.


It is critically important that we develop much more effective policies to attract, retain, and support the continued learning of prepared and committed teachers. When teachers have assembled the kind of training and experience that allows them to be successful with students, they constitute a valuable human resource for schools—one that needs to be treasured and supported if schools are to become and remain effective.


Administrator instructing teachers

Why new teachers support matters?

California does not have enough teachers to meet the needs of its students. This infographic illustrates the challenge principals and site administrators are faced with today. The decrease in highly qualified professionals entering the profession means that when schools hire new teachers, support of those teachers is absolutely essential. 


For more information, download the informational document below.


How can I help?

The resources below offer insight into how to support new and beginning teachers.

10 Ways to support Beginning Teachers

1. Empathize

Every administrator was a teacher first. Remember what that first year was like and be the principal you would have wanted.

2. Arrange for Subs

Offer release time for new teachers to catch up on grading or lesson planning, observe veteran teachers, or to meet with their reflective coach.

3. Parent Relations

Beginning teachers will need to engage with parents to be successful. Help guide them through IEP meetings, conferences, back-to-school night, etc.

4. Attend CTI Orientation & Colloquium

What better way to show your support for a new teacher than to be there when they begin their journey, and when they celebrate the conclusion.

5. Be Inclusive

Invite the voice and perspective of beginning teachers when decisions need to be made. New teachers bring fresh eyes and new ideas to schools.

6. Know the Inquiry Cycles

Administrators can more precisely support new teachers in the areas they choose to explore during the induction process.

7. Provide "Just-in-Time" Support

Provide access to school resources and guidance before new teachers experience a set back or struggle in their classroom.

8. Celebrate Success

Offer targeted feedback by praising successes and offering non-evaluative, constructive feedback.

9. Be Patient

CTI champions a growth mindset for our Reflective Coaches as they mentor beginning teachers on their induction journey. Site administrators should look to foster growth.

10. Assume Nothing

Beginning teachers come to the classroom with enthusiasim and the latest pedagoy, but they have little experience with students on their own and need guidance.