Riverside County Office of Education
FAQs – Induction

For technical issues with CTI Navigate, please contact:

Please access this document for Candidate/Coach FAQs’s for CTI Navigate.  

Coaches will be entering in Observation dates and evidence.  Once the coach logs in observation, it will be viewable on the candidate’s ILP.

View this 💻 brief tutorial to add Observation Logs in CTI Navigate. 

Coaches will be entering meetings times each week in CTI Navigate.  Once the coach logs in a meeting, it will be viewable on the candidate’s ILP.

View this 💻 brief tutorial to add Meetings in CTI Navigate. 

Coaches and Candidates are matched in CTI Navigate within 30 days of orientation.  If you do not know who your Candidate or Coach is, please contact your agency representative.

Log in to CTI Navigate, select your name on the menu, then select “Edit Profile” to update your contact information. 


Individuals may apply for an extension up to one year prior to a credential’s expiration date or any time after it has expired.
If you need assistance, with an extension appeal, please contact Sylvia Loera, Program Specialist, at sloera@rcoe.us.

Candidates must be actively enrolled in induction and teaching in the classroom no less than 75% of the school year to receive credit for a full year of induction.


If a candidate is taking a leave of absence (statutory or administrative) from the induction program and plans to return during the same academic school year, it is the candidate’s and/or agency representative responsibility to notify the reflective coach and CTI program right away via email to ctisupport@rcoe.us. Leave of absences will be processed within five business days.


An induction candidate on a leave of absence (statutory or administrative), will be inactivated in our system, and their induction program and progress is ‘paused’ during the leave of absence. When they return from leave officially, they will be reactivated and may continue in the induction program with full credit for all participation that took place before the leave.

Optional university units are available for Candidates and Reflective Coaches who complete their Center for Teacher Innovation Induction Program requirements for the year(s) they are enrolled. Information for optional professional development university unit credit can be found under the Credential Services menu option, University Units. For more information, contact Grace Aviles, Credential Coordinator, at  gaviles@rcoe.us.

Candidates will create a website synthesizing their induction year using the Digital Reflection Criteria.  

Year 1 designates a teacher enrolled in the first of a two-year induction program. They are typically new to the field with limited-to-no prior independent teaching experience.

ECO is designated as the Early Completion Option. A teacher designated as ECO would complete the Induction program in one year instead of two, because they are able to provide evidence of prior years of exemplary service. The evidence must accompany the request and be made no later than January 1, 2021, for traditional Candidates and March 1, 2021, for mid-year Candidates.

Traditional enrollment is August 3rd-November 1st. The program year ends June 30th for this enrollment period for one year of induction completion credit.

Mid-year enrollment is November 1st-February 28th. The program year ends December 31st for this enrollment period for one year of induction completion credit.

CalTPA – work with your Reflective Coach to design one of your cycles of inquiry to specifically address your needs with the CalTPA assessment. Refer to the CalTPA cycle of inquiry (to be designed by Melanie et al) to access resources and receive feedback as part of the inquiry process.

CTI will be providing structured CalTPA support via synchronous Zoom meetings and ongoing access to CalTPA experts.

Schedule for these meetings will be posted soon.


RICA Candidates will be referred to test prep resources.

Remain in communication with your teacher preparation program/institution AND your induction Reflective Coach in order to receive support from both agencies to help you meet the passing threshold to complete any outstanding requirements.

RICA Candidates will be referred to test prep resources.