Riverside County Office of Education
University Units – Induction

University Units

Optional Professional Development
University Unit Credit

Optional Professional Development university units are available for Candidates and Reflective Coaches who complete their Center for Teacher Innovation Induction Program requirements for the year(s) they are enrolled.
              • University units are not mandatory for CTI enrollment or a clear credential recommendation from CTI.
              • Employers reserve the right to designate whether these units meet their requirements for salary advancement, and we suggest teachers confirm their eligibility with their credential advisor before registering for these units.
              • Registration is the individual’s responsibility, and teachers should carefully review the information found on the university registration page for deadlines, fees, course requirements, grading scale, etc.

          Candidates and coaches currently active in CTI Navigate can access the University Units Sign-Up through the menu. Please note, the link will only be available during the open enrollment period, as indicated below.
          Candidates and coaches who have completed their induction or no longer have access to CTI Navigate should contact ctisupport@rcoe.us for assistance with registration details.
          Center for Teacher Innovation’s (CTI) Optional Professional Development University Units
          Retroactive Induction Policy
          Based on established partnerships, the Center for Teacher Innovation (CTI) induction program verifies induction completion directly to all university partners up to 5 years from the original completion date.

      Please note the following enrollment and grading timelines for teachers to purchase Optional Professional Development University credits:

Enrollment Timeline:

April 1st – June 30th 

November 1st – February 1st 


Grade Verification Timeline:



Master's Degree Option

Candidates can receive university graduate block credits toward a Master’s degree in Education from our CTI partnering Universities listed below. University registration is an agreement between the individual and the university. Information can be found by clicking on the university flyer(s) below: