Building Relationships

What is Building Relationships?

Effective coaches provide professional and personal supports. By building positive relationship and trust, coaches can more successfully help candidates with job realities like work and life balance, self-confidence and risk-taking. (Koki, 2015).

How do I build trust?

The resources below offer advice on building trust in a mentorship.

Learning Targets:

  • I can build a positive confidential relationship with my candidate.​
  • I maintain a clear distinction as a supportive peer and not an evaluator by honoring confidentiality.
  • I consider my candidate(s) beyond their teaching role.
  • I believe trust is essential to the success of coaching relationships.
  • I believe that a dynamic, reciprocal relationship in a work environment between a veteran and beginning teacher promotes the development of both.


How you can grow in the Four Cores of Credibility.

  • Integrity – Do you do what you say?
  • Intent – Do you have a hidden agenda?
  • Capability – Are you relevant?
  • Results – What is your track record?


  • What is the benefit of following the development of the Four Cores of Credibility?
  • Which Core do you feel is your strongest? And weakest?
  • What resources will you need to develop these Cores?

Reflective Questions

  • What are your current strengths related to building relationships with your candidate?
  • Which of the learning targets will you strive to improve upon as you strengthen your relationship?
  • What do you anticipate will be your greatest challenge?
  • How will you overcome this challenge?

Supporting Research
Aguilar, E. (2013). The art of coaching: effective strategies for school transformation. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. This article explains the importance of coaching relationships in creating improved teacher capacity and how it is based on the foundation of relational trust between the instructional coach and classroom teacher.
Bryk, A. & Schneider, B. (2002). Trust in schools: a core resource for improvement. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. This article proposes four basic criteria for trust discernment at the intrapersonal level as being respect, competence, personal regard for others, and integrity.